Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week 13 - Developing And Managing Products

Nike has so many new products releasing every time one can not keep track of all the products. what Nike does is have a new product strategy to lour costumers. having celebrities names faces on the advertisements of the product. Nike has recently came out with the Nike Free Run+ sneakers and in their advertisement Oprah Winfrey is mentioned being one of her favorite things.

Nike Free Run Plus,nikefree&cp=USNS_NikeFree_110110?sitesrc=USLP#l=shop,nikefree

Nike Free Run+ is a upgrade of Nike's first running shoe that felt like one was running barefooted. Nike wants to bring back to the environment and how it feels when running freely with nothing on. That is Nike's goal so one can wear this sneakers and asking themselves where is the rest of the shoe. There is a lot of test marketing  for the product to see if it sells or not. The more it sells Nike builds a commercialization for a broader crowd and having a product life cycle (PLC).

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