Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 6: Consumer Decision Making

Nike is successful because they understand their consumers decision making on what they are asking for in a product. Nike makes it easy for the consumers to know what they really want when they are ready to buy. For every product that Nike sells from shoes, apparel and sport materials Nike have a rating on how many people like their products and comments towards it. Buying a product there's always a process. Many consumers react to the external stimuli when seeing or hearing about the new product that a friend or a famous athlete recommends it to everyone.
Nike know when a product should be out in stores. Nike consumers are more likely to be on the routine response behavior because not to much thinking done when buying a Nike product. Nike is know for being the best sports brand, so to think about buying a product is unusual unless it comes to need of the purchase.
Most of the time consumers behavior comes from the social class that they came from but Nike they tried to not just target one aspect but all types so they can be equal to each other when it comes to buying a product.

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